The first edition of the Fellowship programme was a 5-month experiment in personal and collective growth.
A group of nine “Fellows” with different backgrounds and from different parts of the world shared a house on our beautiful land in Colombia, with the intention of self exploration and transformation. It was the opportunity to experience community life, as together they took responsibility for the day-to-day running of the house and its gardens, and to make the most of the conflicts that inevitably arose from this challenge. It was an invitation to dive deep into their inner worlds, discover the internal structures that had been limiting them and create new possibilities for themselves and their dreams. It was a window into the way of life that we are constantly cultivating at El Juego.
Meet the Fellows:

Now, as we are excitedly launching the second edition for 2023, some of the first group of participants share their experience, in their own way…
“Regardless of what happened and what didn’t happen to me during this incredible experience, the single most empowering aspect of it, was that of moving out of my established and well- synchronised comfort zone. The mere decision of leaving family, work, loving and safe relationships—as well as validated coping mechanisms, and set off to the other side of the world, literally into the wild, felt really liberating and empowering in itself. To actually get through and making the most of an experience that was challenging and revolutionary, as well as nourishing and rich, released lots of energy—vital energy, and joy. And made me feel capable of doing and exploring even further. It reminded me of the richness of human diversity (whether in age, social background, ethnicity, education, life style) and the power of nature and outdoor living. Getting out of the habit of my life as I know it: a refreshing and rejuvenating change of paradigm. Living life at the essential is the ultimate wellbeing.
Also it has been extremely stimulating and mind-questioning to witness and share the life of a group of young and diverse people, who, by coming together and really engaging and supporting and believing in one another, have strengthened each other both individually and as a group through the creation of a bond of love and care and truth, which enables them to deliver their “idea” to the world. How a small group of focused people can change the world… It set an example for me, it made me aware of my limiting thoughts about myself and my work and how deep the idea of lack was rooted into me. There was and underlying adage growing and rooting inside of me: if they can do it, I can do it! But most significantly, seeing how things work at El Juego first hand, reinforced my idea of therapeutic work among equals, where emotional disclosure and sharing is pivotal in healing on both sides. Therapy or whatever word you like to use, is a process towards truth, and peace and joy that come from it, it involves all the people within its reach.
Confidence, I believe, also stems from the many puertas I went through. As part of the lifetime (playful) work of self-exploration of my inner world, bringing peace and connection to the broken parts therein, puertas are a powerful tool in this path. A lot of such experiences have gifted me with a greater sense of who I am and the many parts that compose me as I imagine myself. And have healed some.
My name is Lucy. I live in Italy where I work as a professional counsellor with Family Constellations, Emotional & Body work and other tools for accompanying others in self- exploration on their path to wellbeing.
I spent 5 months at El Juego Community during the first fellowship programme between November 2021 and March 2022.”

“”Tranquilooooo, no se puede escapar de uno mismo.”
Siempre estuve buscando escapar del malestar que sentía de ser yo mismo, un auto rechazo, un inconformismo y auto juzgamiento perpetuo. Las drogas eran el escape para no sentir. Llegué al Juego de la mejor manera, partido hasta la madre, derrotado, paranoico sin sentido .
Venía por tres semanas y me quedé 16 meses.
Acá descubrí un camino de auto observación profunda, me animaron a ir hasta mis raíces.
Al final la comprensión de mi mismo modificó mi imagen total de la realidad, porque la realidad fluye desde las regiones más sutiles hacia las más burdas, fluye desde lo más profundo de mis raíces hacia el día a día mis actos, mis desiciones, mis pensamientos!
Todo lo que se mueve acá, te mueve adentro!!
Lo peor que te puede pasar, es que te quieras quedar!!”
“A video I made while at the @_el_juego_ community in Antioquia, Colombia:
It’s called ‘4 Elementos’ and it’s my visual interpretation of the experience and learning while in the process at El Juego.
There I had a close encounter with fear, sadness, joy and anger who are the main characters of this video and through association of colour and elements, once they are seen and accepted, they also have a party together, because yes, they can exist at the same time and they’re all invited to the party!
And the beauty, calmness and presence that comes afterwards, the freedom and unconditional love… This is El Juego for me!”
“Imagina un grupo de 9 desconocidos de distintos rincones del mundo viviendo juntos en una misma casa durante 5 meses.
Todos traen de sus países de origen una intención clara y compartida: conocerse mejor. Encontrar más libertad y flexibilidad para relacionarse con la vida. Para jugar consigo mismos y con las estructuras internas que les limitan: en el amor, el trabajo, la familia, el dinero, la salud.
Yo fui uno de estos 9 desconocidos. Y fue una de las experiencias más sorprendentes y poderosas de mi vida. Porque mi día a día se convirtió en un campo de juego donde experimentar otras maneras de relacionarme con las personas. Donde probar lo que no me había permitido probar antes. Y decir lo que solía callar y sentir lo que había aprendido a reprimir.
En un contexto seguro y uno de los lugares más hermosos y singulares que visité en la Tierra. En medio de ríos, bosques, cascadas y campos verdes donde corren los caballos. Donde convive una comunidad de personas que lleva más seis años innovando en el campo de la psicología y acompañando procesos de desarrollo personal.
Y tuve la suerte de vivir la experiencia del fellowship arropado por este grupo de 9 desconocidos que se convirtieron en amigos, y que buscaban lo mismo que yo. Que experimentaban y se transformaban y crecían como yo. Que hacían a la vez de espejo, familia y fuente de motivación.”

“I wrote this during my time in the Fellowship, as I began to realise the importance of letting go, relaxing and allowing myself to be exactly where I was.”
Soon we will be sharing more information about the second edition of the Fellowship, which will run from November 2023 to February 2024 and will have space for 10 Fellows. To find out more, contact us!