We are a group of 30 people from different parts of the world
living together as a community since 2016.

We are dedicated to the development of new methods for conflict transformation.

With our innovative techniques, we accompany groups and individuals from many countries
in processes of personal and collective growth.


Throughout our time together, we have developed our own intervention and conflict resolution techniques, which we call Doors. Our innovation has an interdisciplinary and creative focus: a synthesis of different streams of thought, blending science with ancestral knowledge.

The result is a variety of unique methods which we apply according to the particularity of each situation.


We are a diverse group, with different stories, cultures, qualities and qualifications. We experience healing as a constant, collective process. We make the most of the conflicts of our daily life to continue improving our methods and strengthening us as a community.

We organise ourselves organically and horizontally. This is possible thanks to the way of relating to one another that we have cultivated: with authenticity, creating empathic and deep connections.

We have no rules: we use consensus to make decisions and create agreements. The only fixed thing we have is our prayer, the intention with which we walk:

For the best of everyone and for everyone,
For the best of everything and for everything.
Love and Freedom


Since 2020, we have been taking care of an extensive piece of land in the beautiful mountains of Antioquia, Colombia, where we invite people from all over the world to receive our methods.

Our home is more than 300 acres, abundant in natural springs, waterfalls and native tropical forest which we are conserving and reforesting. At the moment, we are in the process of registering our land as a nature reserve to continue protecting its vast biodiversity.

The territory has three communal houses: the Casa Madre, the Casa Mirador, and the Casa del Bosque. Apart from this, we have also built several smaller living spaces and a beautiful sala for sessions and sharing circles.

San Rafael – Antioquia 