Next edition:

1/11/2024 - 28/02/2025

What is the Fellowship ?

An experiment in personal and collective growth.

A residential programme where 18 “Fellows” will immerse themselves in the culture of radical authenticity that we have cultivated at El Juego. 

12 people living together

4 months in Antioquia, Colombia

Workshops with special guests

2 weeks of camp

During this time, we will support you to:

The programme is divided into 3 parts:


This is the moment to explore yourself deeply and allow yourself to receive. To discover yourself through your story, to find the origin of your world experience and to transform what you no longer need.


To mark the transition, we will invite you to return to the essence and get to know the roots of El Juego in the Camp (cited as the favourite part of the whole Fellowship by many previous participants).


We will change the way we accompany you, now with our gaze turned forwards: where do you want to go and how can we support you to get there? The focus will be on your dreams and your intention. Other than the continuation of your personal process, make the most of a variety of classes, workshops and personalised challenges for your growth.


“The decision to give myself this time to fully receive was one of the best of my life. I feel like I just went through 4 months of full time therapy with a community of mirrors and guides, held by an entire tribe.”

Zuma (Artist and author)

The group was honest, authentic. We had the courage to tell what we see in each other. And at the beginning that created conflict but afterwards we connected through that so much more. I was more seen and I received much more support.”

Lisa (Social worker)

“A return to what really matters. An experience of unconditional love, of being fully oneself, of belonging without having to prove anything. Never in my life have I felt so alive, present, and so free.”

Lucille (Medical biologist)

“I learned a lot about love for the common, for the collective. After the Fellowship I ask myself what is freedom? Why did I feel a freedom there that I had not experienced before?”

Andrés (Software developer)

The programme includes:




UNTIL 31.09.2024


950 EUR (VAT included)




UNTIL 31.10.2024


1,070 EUR (VAT included)


We have a scholarship programme with 2 places to award to those who do not have the financial possibility to participate in the Fellowship. And if you would like to support someone, we invite you to make a donation so that the Fellowship is accessible to more people. Contact us for more information.

Want to find out more?
Read the Frequently Asked Questions

No. We use the experiences, challenges and conflicts that come up in our day-to-day lives to experiment and grow together. You also don’t need experience in bio-construction – you will have plenty of opportunities to learn along the way.

We also invite you to share your skills and talents.

It’s not a requirement to speak Spanish. The official language of the community is indeed Spanish, however the majority of us speak another language. We offer accompaniment in English, French, Italian, German, Portuguese and Spanish.


There is no fixed daily routine. Each day is different. Other than your individual sessions, we offer group Doors, “jueguitos” (little games) and process circles.

We invite you to get involved in the communal activities: bio-construction projects, the care of the animals, classes with the children, organic gardening, etc. You can discover our territory, hiking or on horseback. The group will organise itself through consensus to define the daily activities in House Lila (cooking, maintenance of communal spaces, looking after the gardens).

You will have free time to read, write, draw, paint, sing, play instruments, or do whatever you like best.

This is the name we give to the person who will accompany you in your personal process, who will hold the thread during your stay and with whom you will have regular chats. This does not mean that they will accompany you in all of your Doors, although they will probably accompany a few. During the programme, you will have Doors and sessions with various members of the community, to make the most of the richness of experiences and perspectives that we have.

We don’t have fixed rules. We use consensus to make communal decisions and create agreements which we are constantly adjusting and evolving as needed.

In everything that we do, our orientation is a collective intention which has accompanied us since the beginning of the community: “Por lo mejor de todas y para todas. Por lo mejor de todos y para todos. Por lo mejor de todo y para todo. Amor y Libertad.”  (“For the best of everyone and for everyone. For the best of everything and for everything. Love and Freedom.”)

This programme has a duration of four months. If you are interested in visiting us for a shorter period of time, get in contact with us and consult our different programmes.

You will be living in a rural area, 45 minutes from the town of San Rafael, Antioquia and 3 hours by bus from the city of Medellin.

Do you still have questions?

So do we.

Get in touch by clicking on the WhatsApp icon.

San Rafael – Antioquia 
