
Confusion as an ally

This is a space for lucidity.

Over 1 month, we will share 4 online group sessions. Join us to experiment with our ways of thinking and observe their impacts on our well-being, as well as their origins.

An invitation into confusion. Out of the chaos, we will discover new possibilities for living. Between each session, we will play with challenges to continue discovering ourselves in everyday life.

Make the most of the intimacy of the group, where vulnerability will be the bridge to authenticity and empathy. We will cultivate a deep gaze, inside and outside of ourselves. This is the opportunity to be both witness and participant in the transformation of others.

We are a multicultural community, passionate about discovering new ways of relating to one another and experiencing life. Using our own experiences, and inspired by scientific knowledge and ancient traditions, we dedicate ourselves to the creation of innovative methodologies which change the internal structures preventing us from living fully.

In the last 6 years we have accompanied groups and individuals from many parts of the world in processes of personal transformation and conflict resolution.


As one of the founders, Marius (left) brought most of the methods that compose the community and has taught the people that lead el Juego today. He hates cleaning the dishes and loves all kinds of strange animals. He is a disaster with numbers but is able to take in account each one’s tangled ancestors. 

He’s at his best during one of the communities most important tools: the process circle. His natural ability to tap into a participant’s underlying structures flows through the group’s network—enabling collective self-discovery and healing, paving the road to empowerment and joy. He refuses to be identified as the community charismatic leader, and will push everyone to take responsibility for their power, talents and needs. 

Most of all, he will sit and accompany you inside your inner world exactly where your soul will go—no more and no less. His sensitivity, developed through self-exploration, study, dedication, and playful experimentation can easily be felt as magic.
He’s a proud father and loves living in the wild with the other 30 community members. 


Aleksandra (right) draws from her multifaceted background and life story much of her own conscious strength. If you think life plays a role in teaching you who you’ll become, meeting Aleksa will definitely confirm your view.
She has three playful and irreverent children and to this day she is the community’s official midwife and doula. Her interests have met her talents in this field.
Her peculiar way to accompany you through Doors embodies the spirit of a doula- sitting by your side, silent and connected, through the natural process of delivery.

She was the first to set up a family in the community and live the challenges of a long term couple relationship. She’s been through it herself and her personal and professional experience blend into a human being who’s soft and welcoming, though solid and fearless. Her provocations can be very pungent, and strike a chord because of the sensitivity they stem from. She creates a space where others feel secure and taken care of.

At the community, she takes leadership with a gift for finding win-win solutions and organizing complex projects keeping things together on a larger scale like a mama spirit of the great community family.

Next edition:

October/November in German

The program includes:

San Rafael – Antioquia 
